Jinan Campus of SDUST Held 2014 Spring Sports Meeting

作者: 时间:2014-04-26 点击数:


On April 25, Friday, the Opening Ceremony of 2014 Spring Sports Meeting was held in the sports field of Jinan Campus of SDUST. The directors of administrative committee of Jinan Campus, teaching staff, faculty members and all students attended the opening ceremony.


At 7:40am, Vice Party Secretary Gao Yongjun declared the opening of Spring Sports Meeting. Honor guards, student teams and staff teams marched over the rostrum, accompanying with Sports Marching Music. As an international team, all foreign teachers in Jinan Campus also joined this ceremony in uniform, smiling and waving colorful flags. They are from Clark University, University of Tasmania, Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, and Cambridge College. This foreign team brought novelty and excitement to the whole campus. Afterwards, foreign teachers watched Tai Chi and dance performances. Then, some foreign teachers actively participated in some sports items, such as Pony Crosses River, Pingpong Shaking-off, etc.



When doing Sports items, foreign teachers and Chinese teachers had a good time together and cooperated well, which deepened the mutual understanding and strengthened friendship. The whole campus is filled with solidarity and friendliness.

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